Pinacle Studio 21 Test

Pinacle Studio 21 Review

Corel has launched a new video editing program – Pinacle Studio 21, the successor to the 20s with a redesigned interface and many new great features. The video editing program is available in three different versions. There are the standard, the plus and the ultimatevariante. What the differences are you can find here on my website or on the manufacturer’s page.

What’s new?


The interface is relatively simple and therefore very clearly arranged, there is a timeline with at least 6 tracks for video and audio files, a preview monitor and a well sorted menu.


  • With Pinacle Studio 21, you can now edit 360° videos better. (Ultimate)
  • New 3D texts
  • With the splitscreen function you can position and play several videos side by side at the same time – a really cool effect in action-packed videos
  • My favorite effect is wide-angle lens correction, which removes the fisheye from the video and easily eliminates distortion. This effect is perfect for all those who film with Actioncams, because the fisheye annoys me every time. Unfortunately, this effect is only available with the Plus and Ultimate versions
  • The new painting effects are also only available in the Ultimate version, with which you can transform your videos into painted pictures.

In my opinion, these were the most important innovations. Of course, the video editing program offers many more cool effects and templates, but these were already available in the predecessor programs. Now we come to the comparison between the three different Pinacle Studio 21 versions.

Which video editing program is the best – Standard, Plus or Ultimate?

Pinacle Studio 21 comes in three different versions, which at first glance don’t differ much, because the interface is the same for all three programs. However, there are huge differences in how you can edit your video, for example in the number of effects.

The most serious difference is the video format that the programs support. With the standard version you can only edit HD videos, with the plus version HD and 360° and with the ultimate version in addition to HD and 360° still 4K.

Furthermore, the number of tracks available to the user increases with the price in addition to the number of effects. With the standard version, the video editing program offers 6 tracks, which is really little. With the Plus variant there are already 24 with the Ultimate variant there are even infinitely many video and audio tracks.

Otherwise, the video editing software offers multicam editing, but only with 2 cameras. The Plus version has 4 cameras and Pinacle Studio Ultimate has 6 cameras.

With the standard version it is unfortunately not possible to separate the sound from the video. Sometimes you don’t want that at all, but in most cases I remove the sound of the recorded video to store other music.

Pinacle Studio 21 Ultimate is definitely the best of the three video editing programs, because it simply offers the most features and you don’t have to put up with any restrictions. For many, the plus version is certainly sufficient. I wouldn’t buy the standard version, because I want to edit the sound of the video separately or remove it completely.


The video editing program Pinacle Studio 21 is aimed primarily at beginners to advanced users. It has a clear interface, but also some functions that beginners probably don’t know how to use yet. I would definitely recommend the Plus or Ultimate variant, as it offers more features and more video tracks in the Timeline. For 4K videos, only the Ultimate version is suitable. The price-performance ratio is good and the functionality is also really good.

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