Information You Can Trust: You Are In Safe Hands
Our mission statement is to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in their careers in digital video film, motion effects, and title design providing product reviews and high-quality educational resources that are accessible and free to all.
The idea of a society in which every digital video editing professional or film student is confident in their ability to translate their thoughts into video is woven into the organization’s core principles and values.
We have a sitemap transparency policy and a no-gift policy in place. We do not receive any kind of gifts and we publish our sitemap to the public.
You are our first priority.
So How Do We Make Money?
If all calculators and services are free if access to our articles is free and without registration, how do we make money? How do we maintain the hosting service, get investors, and pay our writers and web designers?
We have advertisements placed programmatically on our website by Google and its business partner Ezoic. Ezoic is an advertisement network and we started to work with them in 2020. We have already a couple of publisher success managers which are already our friends.
We do not choose who advertises on our site or where. Google and Ezoic algorithms do that based on a number of factors that we have no control over. They manage that the advertisement is not intrusive and does not cover the content.
As our advertisements have to be appropriate for the whole family, we have only turned down political advertisers like NGOs and charity groups. Also, we dismissed ads about adult and sexual interest, tobacco, drugs, CBD, firearms, and gambling.
While all the aforementioned activities are legal and can be advertised, we have turned them down as our content can remain family-friendly and suitable for all readers.
As an Amazon Associate, we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases if you click on Amazon from this site and choose to make a purchase. We explain this in our affiliate disclosure.
Furthermore, our associates compensate us for leads or referrals sent to their businesses. This does not influence the topics we write about, as we also receive compensation for having ads.
Our business partners, usually suppliers of goods and providers of services for business owners, have no effect on our recommendations or advice, which are based on the study and compilation of costs and prices. Our sponsors cannot pay us or give us gifts to make sure that good things are said about their products or services.
All the information we provide follows our strict editorial guidelines. This includes our team and the freelancers and contributors that collaborate with us and are hired following our very open diversity policy from countries that do not have modern slavery.